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(30) Improving the mechanisms for consultative democracy
We will give play to the role of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) as a specialized consultative body. We will refine the mechanisms that enable in-depth consultations and interactions, the full expression of opinions, and the formation of broad consensus. We will strengthen the mechanisms through which the CPPCC reports on social conditions and public opinions, stays in contact with the people, and provides them with services. Moves will also be made to refine the mechanisms that facilitate democratic oversight by the CPPCC.
The system of consultative democracy will be improved, with the introduction of more diverse forms of consultation. We will enhance the institutional platforms through which consultations are carried out by political parties, people’s congresses, government departments, CPPCC committees, people’s organizations, communities, and social organizations, and strengthen coordination between the various channels of consultation. We will improve the mechanisms for conducting consultations prior to decision making and during the implementation of decisions. Improvements will also be made to the mechanisms for adopting, implementing, and providing feedback on the consultation outcomes.